Best Content Marketing Agency and Company in Kolkata, India
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Content Marketing Company in Kolkata

Portray your brand message beautifully on your website, social media channels, emails, and other platforms with our unmatched quality of content. We utilize the power of words in an impeccable manner to build connections with your target audience.

Hire Premier Content Marketing Company in India For Organic Growth

Content is king - and we strongly believe this! Relevant and meaningful content gives way to beautiful user experiences. So, if you want unparalleled content that your readers will love and boost your page traffic then get connected with our team of talented and creative writers. By following a business-centric approach, our writers produce impactful content that blends perfectly with your brand tone. Content that impresses the readers and convinces them to engage and convert is what you need. Our digital marketing team makes all the difference by building a precise content marketing strategy to fuel your brand and enhance ROI.

Qualities That Make Us The Top Content Marketing Company in India

  1. Experienced Content Writers

    Get content of unmatched quality that ranks organically and addresses your user’s interests in the best possible way.

  2. End-to-end Solutions

    Our content marketing solutions include writing for ad copies, websites, blogs, social media, editing, and distribution.

  3. Competitive Pricing

    You can get all types of content marketing services under one roof at a very budget-friendly rate that anyone can afford.

Wide Spectrum of our Content Marketing Services in Kolkata

We are one of the leading content marketing companies in Kolkata, India with a team of marketing professionals that knows all the hacks and tricks to produce content that ranks. We will identify your target audience, determine your content goals, and then establish a model to deliver the best experiences to your readers and potential customers.

Content Landscape Audit

We study and analyze the content of your existing site or pages (if any) to identify the areas of improvement and bring out a better version of it.

Content Strategy

Our next action is to build a content strategy that focuses on conversion by creating goal-oriented and customer-specific content.

Content Development Plan

The planning stage in content marketing involves incorporating various ROI-focused content ideas into a content calendar.

Content Creation

Our content writers start off with the execution of the plan. They will write keyword-specific compelling content that blends with your brand voice.

Content Distribution

We also take care of the distribution part and will promote your content on social media, other 3rd party sites, etc.

Analyze and Optimise

After publishing your content we analyze and optimize to see what works best in driving traffic and then improvise the content.

Website Content

We can produce keyword-driven content for your business website that will boost your organic rankings and help you stay on top in SERPs.

Blog Writing

Whether it's long-form content for web blogs or short informative articles to educate and aware your readers - we’ve got you covered.

Social Media Content

We will provide you with eye-catchy taglines, short content for graphics, infographics, etc for social media channels.

Class-Apart Content Marketing Services in Kolkata

Unique content tailored to the target audience helps in creating connections and leads to conversion finally. You can give your users personalized and compelling experiences with the help of our customized content. We craft persuasive content keeping in mind the interests of your potential customers. Connect with us right away to get started with impactful content creation services for your business.

Here are the answers to some questions that people ask before hiring the services of content marketing companies in Kolkata, India.

Content marketing is the part of digital marketing that involves the creation and distribution of content for the purpose of drawing the attention of your target market and engaging them through interactive posts, videos, blogs, etc. 


Content marketing services are used by businesses to increase brand awareness and improve visibility on search engine results, social media, and other marketing platforms. Through content marketing, you can represent your brand message, tell intriguing stories and grab the attention of your audience. Words have the power to convince a confused mind. We, as a leading firm in the content field, will help you to persuade your potential buyers through compelling content.

Content creation is not a simple process. It involves various types and formats. Every business owner must be aware of all the content marketing types so as to choose the ideal strategy for his or her business. And, an experience content marketing firm in Kolkata, India like Webgen Technologies can help you in deciding which marketing type or types to pursue to gain the trust of your audience.


Here is a list of the most common types of content marketing that marketers generally use to improve the online presence of most businesses.


Blog Content – Blog posts are the foundation of content marketing. It is the most and best effective content marketing tool to educate and engage your potential customers about your brand.


Video – Videos are intriguing and keep the users highly engaged. Through quick and short product or service-related videos or storytelling videos, you can promote your brand and grow your audience’s interests.


Infographics – Sometimes a lot of information is required to deliver to your customers but in a short and precise manner. Infographic content uses interesting graphic elements along with short texts, bullet points, stats, and data figures to provide ideas, information, and meaningful insights in a very interesting way.


Email – Email marketing is a great way to retain old customers and also get the attention of potential customers. Send creative and compelling visual email newsletters that recipients will open, read and subscribe to. And probably next time, they will take an action if they find the content relevant.


White Papers – White Paper gives you an opportunity to provide precise information related to your product and services. It entails all the problems that your customers usually face and how you can provide them with the best solutions.


Ebooks – After blog, Ebook is another long-form content that marketers suggest these days to spread brand awareness. Investing in ebook content is worth considering as you can provide your customers with informative content and drive their decision-making power.


Social Media Posts – Since social media also plays an important role in lead generation, you need to create interesting content using attention-grabbing visuals. Be a leader in your industry by creating an unmatched social media presence with our high-quality content marketing services in Kolkata, India.


Thus, get in touch with us today to get started with the above-mentioned types of content marketing.

Content marketing helps in building trust and developing real connections with your target audience. It is a powerful tool used by business owners to make a mark in their industries. Content creation is an integral part of digital marketing and is a top-priority service provided by marketers. With impactful content writing services, you can influence the decision-making process of your audience. Here is a list of reasons why content marketing is important.


Audience Retention –  Content that adds value to readers and helps them increase their knowledge is always appreciated. Hence, when you write such great content on your website or blog, it becomes an asset for your viewers who will keep coming back to you for more such resourceful pieces. Thus, hiring services of expert content writers, who have experience in writing for your niche, is necessary to ensure that your content is informative and at the same time, is capable of retaining the interests of your audience.


Brand Awareness – The best tool for improving your online presence is brand awareness. The key requirement for effective brand marketing on various social media platforms is compelling, trendy, and meaningful content. Increasing followers is not enough to bring quality leads to your page. You need to make the most of digital marketing and post relevant and engaging content on a regular basis to draw your audiences’ attention. When your content is shared and liked by many, it will expand your reach and make people aware of your brand.


Earns the trust of your audience – When your content is seen or read by many and is also able to answer all the questions that your audiences have in their minds, it automatically builds trust. They will wait for new blog posts or social media updates as they feel your content have great value. Also, our digital marketing company in Kolkata makes sure that your content appears to the right people at the time when they are looking for it.


Generating Quality Leads – Interactive content is a brilliant way to show your users the path to your landing page. By incorporating CTAs in relevant places in your content you can persuade a reader to take further action. Quality lead generation is possible with high-quality and purposeful content. If more and more audience reads your information, then there are higher chances of them making a purchasing move in the future.


Improves website visibility – Good content when well-optimized as per the latest SEO trends and practices can help your page rank higher and appear at the top results in search engines. This will improve your online presence and drive steady organic traffic to your page. And your next responsibility would be to make sure that they don’t leave away immediately.


Increases conversions – When a large number of visitors come to your page and you serve them with high-quality, informational, and knowledgeable content, then their staying time will increase. If they are able to find solutions to what they are seeking and get all their queries answered from your content, then they will definitely buy from you, otherwise not. So, whether they are going to convert or not highly depends on your website information. Other factors that also make your content more trustworthy are good website design & development that facilitates easy navigation and great UX.


Improve your website authority  – Publishing original and resourceful content on your site, blogs and other networking platforms will help in improving your brand authority online. People and even your competitors will look up to you for the latest information and what’s trending in your industry. Thus, by holding a credible place in your niche market, you can acquire a top position in your industry.

Hence, it is clear that content marketing benefits a business in myriad ways. So, reach out to one of the best content marketing companies in Kolkata, India, and scale your business to new heights.

SEO and content marketing go hand-in-hand and both work together to bring the best outcomes. Simply put, to make your content marketing a success, you need SEO and likewise, SEO will have no impact on your page rankings unless backed by rich and quality content.


The reasons why SEO is so crucial in the content creation process are as follows:


Boosts page rankings – SEO improves your site’s performance and helps searchers find you easily on the search results pages. Thus, it directly promotes brand visibility online and guides searchers to your website. Through SEO, you can bring quality traffic to your page which will elevate your rankings on SERPs.


Appropriate usage of keywords in content – The use of the right keywords in the right places is essential to make your content rank worthy. Content creation services by our content marketing company in Kolkata, India include keyword research and optimization. Your content should neither be overstuffed with too many keywords nor should have low keyword density. It should be balanced in order to make your SEO efforts effective.


User Experience –  Content that is well-written by following ongoing SEO trends will rank faster and also improves user experiences. By conveying your brand message in a unique style, we exceed your readers’ exceptions. Also, we make the content simple to read and understand for them through an appropriate application of title tags, header tags, etc.


Quality Traffic – In technical terms, SEO is the process or practice of increasing website visibility in search engines and improving the quality of website traffic to your page. By the quality of traffic, we mean getting visitors that are actually looking for your service or product or has some business-related queries. Thus, your content will serve as a source of information to your visitors and if it addresses their needs properly, then probably some of them will convert into customers.

To achieve online success and get noticed by searchers, content marketing must be combined with SEO. Hence, reach out to proficient content marketers of Webgen Technologies, a reputed content marketing firm in Kolkata, India to help you out with both, SEO and content creation.

Content marketing is a part of digital marketing and it implies creating purposeful and valuable content for your target audience. Through it, business owners can pull a large number of potential leads into their sales funnel and finally, pushes them toward a sale. A content marketing agency performs several functions, out of which the most important ones are:


Building a smart content strategy plan – Without a concrete plan of action, you cannot move forward. So, our content marketers will first devise a solid content strategy based on your target demographic, their focus interests, choices, etc. After thoroughly analyzing your audiences’ needs from you, we will design a plan and create a content calendar. This will help our team to identify your key objectives and what you, as a client, are expecting from us.


Content Creation – In simple words, it means writing content as per our planned strategy. We will provide you with high-quality, engaging, keyword-specific content. It can be for anything – websites, blogs, landing pages, whitepapers, press releases, email newsletters, social media, and the list goes on. For websites and blogs, we specifically focus on keyword usage to ensure your page comes on the first page of search engines.

Content Distribution – After the creation of content, comes the distribution part. Our content marketing agency in Kolkata has experienced digital marketers who take the responsibility of promoting and distributing your content to relevant audiences effectively.

Performance Analysis – We will help understand whether your content is performing well and is read by your target audience. After our performance analysis, an agency will prepare a report containing measurable results, visitors’ insights, etc. 

Thus, you need a professional agency that will listen to your ideas, and make a plan to produce content that ranks.

By hiring a content marketing company in Kolkata, India, you can amplify your brand marketing efforts and get more visibility online. Content marketing is not a short-term process. It requires time and proper strategy planning before implementation if you want to see tangible results. Thus, given below are some prominent reasons to hire a content marketing company.


Saves time and money –  Most businesses do not have the time to hire in-house resources and also a huge cost is required to form a digital marketing team comprising writers, SEO experts, graphic designers, and marketers. Hence, in such a scenario, companies find it less expensive and convenient to outsource content marketing to a professional agency that has been doing this for years.


Offers you easy access to qualified professionals – When your hire a company to take care of your content marketing, you will have top industry experts to guide and suggest you what works for your business type best. With our rich domain expertise and profound knowledge, we can craft an appropriate content  calendar that will bring measurable results and boost your online presence.


Make the most of all the marketing types – You can leverage the service of our content marketing agency in Kolkata, India for not just one but various types of content marketing types. Also, our services are customized to your business type and requirements. Marketing specialists here identify your target demographic and analyze their interests before preparing content. This results in content creation that your audience will love to read and share with others.


Know the latest marketing trends and tools – Don’t stay behind but ahead of others by knowing the latest and premium content marketing tools and techniques from our marketing experts. Moreover, we keep trying new tactics and experimenting with our strategies so that the final outcome is fully satisfying for our clients.


Run your business seamlessly – Managing content marketing in-house is complicated because you need extra resources to write, optimize and distribute your content. Thus, delegating the entire marketing process to a digital marketing company will save you from all the hassles and headaches. This way you can also concentrate on your core business activities like production, sales, retaining customers, etc.

Hope, now you have understood why you need a reputed and established content marketing agency in Kolkata, India to take care of your content marketing and help you increase your online visibility.

Before you start with the search for the ideal agency for content marketing for your business, keep in mind the following criteria or prepare a checklist in order to understand the company’s capabilities and position in the industry.


Years of experience or company’s credibility – Expertise and skills are what you are seeking most when you hire an firm. So, this should be your first and foremost criterion. To check a company’s real experience and credibility in the field, clients’ testimonials, past work, and case studies can be of help.


Experience working for your business type – Specifically, you need to see how much knowledge their marketing professionals have working in your industry. Have they any past experience in your niche?  The answer to this question is important before hiring otherwise you cannot be sure whether they will meet the content standards and quality. Adequate knowledge of keywords and the type of content to promote is necessary to engage the audience and entice them to convert.


Project Management Skills – Content agencies handle lots of projects for numerous clients. This requires excellent management skills so that all your needs are addressed in a proper manner and at the right time. The project managers at Webgen Technologies, a top content marketing agency in Kolkata, India, are pros at handling your project. They will carefully listen to your requirements, make an overview plan, and finally carry on implementation. And, during all these stages, they will keep you informed regularly.


Keep themselves updated with the latest technologies – An agency that sticks to old-school techniques and uses traditional tools for content promotion is a big no for you! You should always go for someone that stays on top always in terms of leveraging trending and new-age content marketing strategies and tools.


Good Communication – Another thing to consider before finalizing a company is its communication speed. How fast and efficient they are in responding to your queries via phone or email. You should also see whether they promptly attend to your questions and provide you with satisfying answers. Communication gaps or miscommunications can lead to delays in project delivery.


Reputation in the industry – Do your research well to understand the position of the agency in the industry. Does the agency is talked about a lot positively? Does it have a good amount of positive reviews on Google, social media, and other review sites like Good firms and Clutch?  These factors help in determining the reputation of that company in the market.

Webgen Technologies is undoubtedly one of the top marketing companies in Kolkata, that fulfills all the criteria above and can help your business grow digitally with a powerful marketing strategy. Connect with their experts now to kickstart your marketing campaigns.

Now there are tons of marketing agencies out there claiming to provide SEO services and content marketing services. To check whether they are really into content marketing, you need to look closely at their services section. If their range of services includes content marketing and they have a strong portfolio backed by proper case studies, then you should consider hiring them.

The best way to evaluate our performance level and see whether we have enough experience is by checking out our past work done for clients belonging to your industry. Also, you can take a look at our reviews on Google, social media, and other popular review platforms to have a brief idea about our quality of services. 

We, as one of the best content marketing agencies in Kolkata, make sure that our services perfectly match your business goals. Before starting off with content marketing, we thoroughly study your business, understand your products or services, and identify the target audience. This helps us market your brand better through the creation of innovative and compelling content. We keep our content simple and interactive so that it draws the attention of your potential customers, generates quality leads, and accelerates conversions.

Yes, we are.  We know that every business evolves and grows continuously.  Hence, its needs also increase. As a reputed and renowned company, we are capable of meeting the content needs of your present as well as future. If your current focus lies on information-rich content to improve your organic rankings, then our professionals will emphasize SEO. However, if you plan to make your online presence strong on social media through video marketing, paid campaigns, etc., then our company will work on social media marketing as well in the future. 

Most of our team members have more than 10 years of experience in content writing and marketing. With a decade of experience in digital marketing solutions to global clients worldwide, our team members have become proficient in serving B2B and B2C businesses with pathbreaking strategies. To top it all, our content marketing team in Kolkata has talented and creative designers, copywriters, and strategists who work in tandem to amplify your content marketing process.

The steps to hire the best firm in Kolkata, India is very simple and quick. 

  • Identify your marketing goals
  • Identify your target audience
  • Decide which type of content marketing service or services you need
  • Hire the best agency in Kolkata – Webgen Technologies, at an affordable price 
  • Discuss your requirements with the marketing team
  • Get Started with content marketing

Content writing agency helps in writing and publishing content. And, if you want to do it in-house, it would require extra resources. So, by hiring a content writing agency in Kolkata, India you’ll have unlimited access to high-quality and information-rich content, and that too at the lowest prices. A content writing firm has a team of experienced and qualified writers, copywriting experts, and social media professionals who think out of the box and will provide you with innovative writing services. They will study your brand and understand customers’ mindsets to attract and convince them with their content.

Content marketing helps your brand win targeted customers by driving organic traffic. Traffic generation is one of the many advantages of content creation services. It can help your brand grow and at the same time improve your brand visibility. It helps your potential customers find you easily by making them aware of your business name, products, and services. The benefits of content creation services are:


  • Attracting quality traffic to a website and increasing conversions.
  • Drawing the attention of followers on social media platforms and engaging them
  • Generate social and referral traffic to your site
  • Boost the organic ranking of your web pages
  • Helps you earn high-authority backlinks to your website
  • Plays an important part in customer retention

To understand your business objective, our content team will have a discussion with your first. We will comprehend your business goals and the specific needs that you’re expecting from us. We, then, analyze your target audience and will try to connect with them with our content. Our experts will understand your business objective first in order to outline a powerful strategy that will deliver real and measurable results.

Further, as an experienced and full-fledged content marketing agency in Kolkata, India, we maintain complete transparency in our work process. We will communicate with you on a regular basis to better understand your business mission and customer reach, and also set your objectives on a priority basis. This helps us deliver quick and quality results. Also, when there will be any changes in your business plan or objectives, we will revise our strategy accordingly and share the same with you for further amendments.

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